Thursday, April 12, 2012

What's been happening lately

Angelina decided to pick some coffee beans in our yard
She already knew what to do next: wash them
She also knew how to set them out to dry. 
 Louis really enjoys hanging out at our house
 We do play a lot of solitaire games
 Our super nice neighbours came over for French toast: Vicente, Guisella, Jonathan, Gloria and little Carlito
 Peter met a new friend in Loja
 Our next door neighbour Carlito knows to come out early morning in his pjs, and no shoes, for banana bread before his mum can catch him.
 Louis is getting better at ping pong

 Our other neighbour Finton from GB invited us over for a bbq with some of their friends who work as volunteers for an NGO. Finton and Biba live in the rustic cabin next to us.
We haven't figured out what to do with the agave yet

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